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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I think I’m lost. Floating perhaps. Steadily adrift in this mind-numbing sea of nothingness – an endless grey space where nothing seems to make sense, no matter how hard you try. A place where things can go from bright white to dark night without a moment’s notice, and the same thing you did yesterday is waiting for you today and tomorrow, until it snuffs whatever life you weakly cling on to.

There’s no need to count the days, for you see, time stands still here. So while a week is but a day, a month is just a year. And the more you run, the more you make holes in the ground from constantly marching in place.

Have you ever been there? Or is it here? Do you see me? Can you hear my thoughts? For while I’m lost, I may yet be found by you. And we may keep each other company as we float on. Lost. Forgotten. Alone.


We can tear our own skin and add some colour to this space. That way, they say, we will be free. But wait. Who can endure the pain?



Jennifer A. said...

Hmmm...I prefer "adding color."

Chris Ogunlowo said...

hmmm. nice one.

poetry is you.

CaramelD said...

You don't write much, but when you do I always love it.....

Muse said...

@jaycee: we all do luv; question is, can we stand the pain?

@aloofar: thanks man.

@carameld: now i'm feeling good about myself. thanks babes.

~Sirius~ said...

oh o.

Bring in ALL the DULUX (That's what it's called right?)

Colour, COLour, COLOUR!!!!

Fabulo-la said...

Hmm hmm.
I think we are all floating in nothingness. The only difference is everyone has their own different resolution(is that what it is?) of color.
Some people see in high def, others..well not so high def.

Freaksho said...

this may just be the best description of constipation i've ever seen.

Muse said...

@sirius: let's paint this town red!

@fabulo-la: and most people probably see in no-def!

@freaksho: and you wonder why they call you freaksho!

Myne said...

Nice one, you got the words.

AbaOluwa said...

Infused with so much emotion. feels like I'm in a surreal world yet one we all identify with. I do anyway.

incoherent said...

someone needs a hug

24yearOldTeEnAgeR said...

Strangest thing ever.
This sounded a lot like my mind. "Steadily adrift in this mind-numbing sea of nothingness – an endless grey space where nothing seems to make sense, no matter how hard you try. A place where things can go from bright white to dark night without a moment’s notice, and the same thing you did yesterday is waiting for you today and tomorrow, until it snuffs whatever life you weakly cling on to."
Took the words right out of my head. I like.

Muse said...

@myne: thanks myne!

@mage: i know that feeling.

@incoherent: shey you just leave me, abi?

@24tearoldteenager: me like your mind, then!