So, on one of those days when my mind went a-straying - as it normally does - it stumbled upon the idea that perhaps, providing en-route entertainment for commuters on the BRT system wouldn't be so bad after all. This got me thinking about the many possibilities this opportunity could spawn. How do you do something that is at once engaging and relevant, 'revolutionalising' the way people travel? How do you get people to buy in? How do you start? How do you sustain such an idea, especially with very limited resources?
A couple of months later, and after many discussions and informal brain-storming sessions, I am proud and pleased to announce that WAKApedia, a collection of blogs from Bloggers like you and I is now available on select BRT routes in Lagos.
A lot of work, thoughts and eotions have gone into this work, and I want to say a special thanks - this is by no means an exhaustive list - to those who have made this possible: Nonye for being there through the ups and the downs, Mage for being one heck of an editor, Mazi for being the best go-to-guy and Business Director ever, Ahmed for his hustle, Fred for his belief in us, Myne Whitman for her Naija Stories contribution (waiting on you for more), Incoherent for her contagious enthusiasm, Freaksho for always being there for a chat and a post and a host of others too numerous to mention.
Now please go to www.wakapedianaija.com where you can read some of the articles from the three editions out so far. Also leave a comment or two if you may. There's also the Facebook page for you to like and leave comments on as well. You can also follow us on Twitter . Most of all, however, you can send us an article or ten for the Blogpaper. You never can tell who might be reading!
Okay, so that's me and what we've been up to this past couple of months. Like I've been praying this year, may God bless our hustle, each and every one!